[PyKDE] PyQT Segfault on widget removal.

Vio vmilitaru at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 18 12:42:00 BST 2003

I remember similar problems usind "delete()" or "destroy()" some time 
ago  - sorry, I forgot the exact method name.
My simple workaround was to use "deleteLater()". Especially since 
"Later" appears to be calcutated in milliseconds: pretty fast.

Hope this helps,

PS. Appologies if this information is redundant. I didn't follow this 
thread from start.

Henry Kleynhans wrote:

>Hi All,
>Given the recent segfault discussion, I have attached an example piece of code 
>which segfaults.  I am not sure if this is a bug, or just my own stupidity 
>though.  According to the PyQT book, the way to remove a widget from it's 
>parent is to do the following:
>	myParent.removeChild(myChild)
>	del myChild
>The PyQT/Sip bindings seems to break if these commands gets triggered by a 
>signal from within a child widget of the widget that is to be removed.
>I get a segfault when I do the following:
>	1.  Run the program (testdel.py)
>	2.  Click on the DelButton button.
>	3.  Switch to another application using Alt-Tab
>	4.  Switch back to my testdel app.
>This happens under RH9.0. (Python-2.2.2-26, PyQt-3.5-5, qt-3.1.1-6)  I use the 
>KDE desktop environment.
>Does anyone know if this is a bug or how to fix/workaround this?
>Kind regards,
>import sys
>from qt import *
>class TestWidget(QWidget):
>    def __init__(self, *args):
>        apply(QWidget.__init__, (self,) + args)
>        self.button     = QPushButton("DelButton", self)
>        self.button.resize(self.button.sizeHint())
>        QObject.connect(self.button, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
>                        self.slotClicked)
>        pass
>    def slotClicked(self):
>        self.emit(PYSIGNAL("sigKillButton"), ())
>        pass
>class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
>    def __init__(self, *args):
>        apply(QMainWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
>        self.widget     = TestWidget(self)
>        self.connect(self.widget, PYSIGNAL("sigKillButton"),
>                     self.removeButton)
>        pass
>    def removeButton(self):
>        self.removeChild(self.widget)
>        del self.widget
>        self.addButton  = QPushButton("Added Button", self)
>        self.addButton.resize(self.addButton.sizeHint())
>        self.addButton.show()
>        pass
>    pass # MainWindow
>def main(args):
>    app = QApplication(args)
>    win = MainWindow()
>    win.show()
>    app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))
>    app.exec_loop()
>    pass
>if __name__ == "__main__":
>    main(sys.argv)
>    pass

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