[PyKDE] Using QObject.disconnect

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Thu Sep 12 16:30:00 BST 2002

Sergey ANIKIN wrote:

> I have the following QDialog-based Python class:
> class SuperDialog(QDialog) :
> ...
>    def onSelection(self) :
>        <some actions>
>    def onOk(self) :
>        ...
>        s = desktop.getSelection()
>        QObject.disconnect(s, SIGNAL('selectionChanged()'), 
> self.onSelection)
> After SuperDialog object has been created, I connect its onSelection 
> method to some signal generated by C++ object Selection:
> d = SuperDialog(desktop)
> s = desktop.getSelection()
> QObject.connect(s, SIGNAL('selectionChanged()'), d.onSelection)
> It works just fine until I press OK button. When onOk method tries to 
> disconnect this dialog from Selection's signal, I get the follwoing 
> message:
> File "SuperGUI.py", line 184, in onOk
>    QObject.disconnect(s, SIGNAL('selectionChanged()'), self.onSelection)
> RuntimeError: Slot hasn't been connected
> Unfortunately, PyQt docs provide very poor description of "disconnect" 
> usage.
> Therefore, could anybody give me an advice how to disconnect dialog's 
> slot from its onOk method? Maybe Phil? ;)

It looks like you are trying to use it correctly. The first thing to 
check is that self.onSelection and d.onSelection are the same Python 
object. If they are then send me a short, but complete, example that 
demonstrates the problem. I don't think QObject.disconnect() is heavily 
used, so it may be a PyQt bug.


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