[PyKDE] PyQt-x11-gpl-3.4.1 works on OS X 10.2 (aka jaguar)

Ivan Porres iporres at abo.fi
Thu Sep 12 10:22:00 BST 2002

PyQt-x11-gpl-3.4.1 works on Jaguar!

I have managed to compile it myself. However, I have not updated the
build.py to support this platform (yet).


Install Xdarwin (www.xdarwin.org)
Install Fink   (fink.sourceforge.net)
Install qt3 for X11 from Fink. You will need to build from sources, type

 fink install qt3
Read carefully http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/porting/shared.php. Read it

Build SIP:

Use build.py to create the makefiles and then edit the makefiles by hand.
You should change the LDFLAGS to

LFLAGS   = -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress

Build. Rename the target. It should be called libsip.so instead of

Build PyQT:

Use build.py to create the makefiles and then edit the makefiles by hand.
You should change the LDFLAGS to

LFLAGS   = -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress

Remove -lsip from the list of libraries. In OS X it is not possible to link
against a loadable module. Some modules, i.e. Qtcanvas, link against the
main qtcmoude, remove these from the list of libraries also.

Edit the pyuic3 makefile so it links against -lz

LIBS     = $(SUBLIBS)  -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lqt-mt -lz

Build. Rename the targets to something like libqtc.so, libqtcanvasc.so,



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