[PyKDE] Screenshots: PyQt/KDE Development-Portal

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Wed Oct 23 19:25:00 BST 2002

Marc Schmitt wrote:
>>I've long thought that the name 'PyQt' was backwards... it should be
>>'QtPy', because it sounds like "cutie-pie" (a term of endearment, for
>>those "not from around these parts" ;) )  Anyway, it might be something
> Ehm, could you define "cutie-pie" in some other words please ? (my Longman DCE 
> defines "endearment" as "an action or word that expresses your love for 
> someone", ... I just don't get it :)  

That's what he means. It's similar to... "liebschen" if my high-school 
German serves me correctly.

It can also be used as a descriptive word meaning that some person 
_looks_ cute or attractive. I actually tend to think of it in these 
terms rather than a term of endearment.


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