[PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Wed Oct 16 18:44:00 BST 2002

On 16-Oct-02 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> Hi Marc, hi Jim,
> I finally touched the khtml_part problem. Here is my mod:
> --- ../PyKDE-3.3.2.orig/sip/khtml_part.sip  2002-08-21
> 20:08:45.000000000 +0200
> +++ ./sip/khtml_part.sip    2002-10-16 13:02:32.000000000 +0200
> @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
>         QRect r;
>         int i = 0;
> -       if
> (sipParseArgs(&sipArgsParsed,sipArgs,"mJ0J0ii",sipThisObj,sipClass
> _KHTMLPart,&ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
> -           sipClass_QRect, r, i))
> +       if
> (sipParseArgs(&sipArgsParsed,sipArgs,"mJ0J0JOi",sipThisObj,sipClas
> s_KHTMLPart,&ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
> +           sipClass_QRect, &r, i))
>         {
>             bool b;
> At least, it compiles, but does this make sense also? 
> I moderately sure about the missing &, which fixes the compiler
> complaint, but what about this sip argument format string?


Sloppy coding on my part - it definitely wants a pointer there.
This goes in the "mistakes I made that gcc 2.95 didn't catch"

The format string should be:

        m - for the KHTMLPart 'this' pointer (equivalent to self in

        J0 - for the QPainter arg
        J0 - for the QRect arg
        i  - for the int arg

or "mJ0J0i"

The bool* arg isn't passed in under Python; it's the return value
of the paint call instead (yes, sip will let you turn a void method
call into a call that returns a value under Python). In this case,
the contents of the location pointed to by the bool* is modified by
the call to paint, it isn't a parameter that paint uses itself to do
something. That's why the second 'i' in the format string was
incorrect. It's the same thing in both khtmlview.sip and

In the docs this should read "TAKES a QPainter, QRect, int and
RETURNS an int" (Python not having a bool type for the return value
prior to 2.2.1)

I probably would have spent a week looking for this silly error
(and it's one I've made before too). Thanks again (both Marc and


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