[PyKDE] ANNOUNCE: PyQt v0.11.1pre2

Alex Rice alrice at swcp.com
Sun Apr 2 07:46:21 BST 2000

On Sat, 01 Apr 2000 10:36:55 +0100,
Phil Thompson <phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk> said:

Phil> You are trying to compile PyKDE against Qt v2.x - nit supported.
Phil> If you want to use PyKDE you must use Qt v1.x.  (This will change
Phil> in either v0.12 or v0.13 depending on when Qt v2.1.0 is released
Phil> in relation to KDE 2.)

OK, gotcha. Thanks for your help. I figure I'll start learning w/ Qt2.x
and check out pykde when it catches up. 


Alex Rice

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