ANN: eric 21.2 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Mon Feb 1 10:53:19 GMT 2021

Hello Pythonistas,

I just uploaded eric 21.2. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.

  * General
      o added support for PyQt6
      o added support for PySide6
  * Code Style Checker
      o added a commented code whitelist patterns to the Miscellaneous
      o added support for the '@yield' and '@ytype' tags
  * Debugger
      o added support for debugging multiprocess scripts using these
          + QProcess.start(), QProcess.startDetached()
          + subprocess.Popen()
          + multiprocessing.Process()
          + os.spawnl...(), os.spawnv...(), os.posix_spawn...(),
            os.fork(), os.fork_exec()
          + _winapi.CreateProcess(), _subprocess.CreateProcess()
      o added support for debugging code strings (-c, --code) or script
        modules (-m, --module)
      o added support for the "Continue Until" action execution code
        until the current cursor line (if it is greater than the current
        line) or until returning from the current frame
  * Documentation Generator
      o added support for the '@yield' and '@ytype' tags to document
  * Editor
      o added code to enclose the current selection by entering ", ' or
        a bracket ( (, ), [, ], {, }, <, > ) characters
      o extended the exporters to support sub-styles
      o added functionality to insert docstring templates via the
        context menu (cursor placed on first line of function
        definition), after entering the docstring start string (e.g. """
        for Python) or via a keyboard shortcut (default: Ctrl+Alt+D)
        when cursor is either placed on the function definition line or
        after the end of the function definition
  * Find File Dialog
      o added option to exclude hidden files and directories
      o changed directory tree search logic to derive the file patterns
        from the project file type associations, if the directory to be
        searched is a sub-directory of the project
  * User Interface
      o added capability to show Qt6 documentation (configurable)
  * VirtualEnv Manager
      o improved the handling of virtual environments slightly
  * Web-Browser
      o added an error page for not supported eric: URLs
  * Third Party packages
      o updated to 2.0.0
      o updated chardet to 4.0.0
      o updated to 5.3.1
      o updated editorconfig to 0.12.3
      o updated Pygments to 2.7.4

It is available via the eric web site or PyPI. 
<> <>




Detlev Offenbach

detlev at <mailto:detlev at>

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