[Eric] ANN: eric 19.04 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Apr 6 11:20:54 BST 2019


I just uploaded eric 19.04. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.
     *  Code Style Checker
         *  added a checker for advised forms of the return statement
             *  Editor
                 *  added extended regular expression support (C++11) as of QScintilla 2.11.0
                 *  added capability to configure the subline indentation for wrapped lines
                 *  added capability to frame the line containing the cursor instead of coloring it
                 *  added support for the "reverse selected lines" command (Meta+Alt+R)
                 *  added support for sub-styling (user definable words and their style)(see Editor-
>Highlighters->Styles configuration page)(only C++ and Python2/3 lexers support this 
                 *  extended the support for keyword sets (see Editor->Highlighters->Keywords 
configuration page)
                     *  Email
                         *  changed the Google Mail interface to not use obsoleted packages 
                             *  Multi Project
                                 *  added capability to the multi project browser to copy a project
                                     *  Unit Test
                                         *  added the capability to select the virtual environment for the 
unittest run
                                         *  removed the 'local' selection because it is obsolete
                                         *  added capability to auto-discover tests
                                         *  added capability to show auto-discovered tests and select from 
this list
                                         *  added capability to stop the test on the first error or failure
                                         *  added capability to run test with debugger support
                                             *  Web Browser (NG)
                                                 *  added these search engines to the default list:
                                                     *  MetaGer
                                                     *  StartPage (German)
                                                     *  searx.me
                                                         *  added support to go one page back by pressing the 
backspace key

It is available via the eric web site.


*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de[1] 

[1] mailto:detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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