[Eric] ANN: eric 18.01 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Jan 6 14:23:40 GMT 2018


I just uploaded eric 18.01. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.
     *  Debugger / Breakpoint Viewer
         *  added the capability to remember the most recently used file names and 
             *  Editor
                 *  added an action to the view menu to clear all folds of the current editor
                 *   added an entry to delete all change markers to the marker margin context 
                     *  Project
                         *  If a project does not contain protobuf files, the old project file format (5.1) 
is generated to make the file backward compatible.
                             *  Plug-ins
                                 *  added the pip interface plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the virtualenv/pyvenv interface plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the setup.py wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the eric plug-in wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the .desktop wizard plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the translator plug-in to the core plug-ins
                                 *  added the git plug-in to the core plug-ins

*Note*: These plug-ins should be deinstalled via the plug-in uninstallation dialog of eric 
before upgrading eric. A reconfiguration of these plug-ins may be neccessary.
     *  PluginToolPip
     *  PluginWizardVirtualenv

It is available via the eric web site.


*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de[1] 

[1] mailto:detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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