[Eric] Still about Eric Tech.Reports

Studio - PM studio-pm at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 1 03:28:56 BST 2016

“Still about Eric Tech.Reports” – Declared first, so to let you ignore altogether this mail in case the subject is not of interest for you... 

Well, I frankly thought Eric Tech.Reports would have raised stronger reactions, even some dispute. I envisioned surprise, curiosity, hostility, support; even proposals so to apply the same method to some other products possibly deserving this same “treatment”. Instead of the quiet, almost indifferent acceptance, as it happened. 

Perhaps that's because, after all, such Tech.Report method isn't that much innovative, perhaps not even that much useful, as I thought it was; after all... 

Anyway, with these Eric Tech.Reports I had a fair chance of expressing something in which I believe. Thus, thank you all.  - P.M. 
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