[Eric] Stand-alone vs. Interpreted execution of Python programs

Steve Barnes gadgetsteve at live.co.uk
Sun Jan 4 10:16:53 GMT 2015

On 02/01/15 16:30, Studio - PM wrote:
> To better know the design style of the Eric's users community
> I'd be pleased to know about your preference between these
> two final execution techniques for your Python program projects.
> 1)  Programs aimed to be run in an environment equipped with the 
> Python interpreter,
> so to execute always as Python-interpreted scripts;
> 2)  Programs aimed to run “stand-alone”, that is not necessarily 
> requiring the presence of
> a Python interpreter for their final execution. Thank you.
>  - P.M.
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The following occurs to me:

Pluses of Run under the existing python:
  1/ Smaller downloads
  2/ Code written and tested in the IDE will usually run fine outside of 
the IDE
  3/ Not needing different builds for different OSs
  4/ If there is a problem in Eric the users can debug
  1/ Dependencies need to be met so installation can be more complex.
  2/ Eric might not run in some environments because of dependency 
  3/ Eric may run a little slower.

Personally I think that the pluses out way the minuses.


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