[Eric] Event Handling from a second Form

accounts accounts at mdonovan.com
Wed Jun 18 21:20:12 BST 2014

Hi Guys,

I am super new to PyQT ... I am using QT Designer for my forms. I am
confused about where to put my event handling for the second form in my

I have the following .py files :

*Ui_make_render_folders.py* (generated from the Qt designer ui file)
*Ui_prefs.py* (generated from the Qt designer ui file)
*Mainwindow.py* (this is where all the even handling for the main form
*icons_rc.py* (resource file)
*make_render_folders.py* (where all my custom functions live)

Here is a picture of the script running :

My question is ... where does the even handling for my prefs window go ????
I cant figure out where to put my *on_btn_released() for the buttons on y
2nd form.* Also I am not sure I am instantiating that dialog properly.
Currently I am adding this code to the top of my MainWindow.py.

Finally what does @pyqSignature("") do ? And do I need it ?
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