[Eric] new user questions

Sebastian Elsner sebastianelsner at freenet.de
Sun Nov 17 13:35:32 GMT 2013


I am starting to use Eric 5 and have some questions about features I miss:

* Is there a way to mark occurences of the member under my cursor in 
some kind of mini-map or in the margins next to the line numbers?
* can I create custom templates or code skeletions like if I type 
"super" I can expand it to super(MyClass).__init__(parent)
* themes: it would be very nice to be able to define themes via 
QPalettes. Defining via stylesheets is nice and lets you do more than 
palettes, but it is way more difficult to get a consistent look if you 
"just" want to create a dark UI. For example I prefer the plastique 
style, but if I apply a stylesheet to make the ui dark, the scrollbar 
look like windows xp.
* plugins: is there any documentation on what a plugin needs to 
implement or can implement to get a certain behaviour? (technical report 
does not give much information). I have the dark palette thing working, 
but I would like to put it into a plugin for sharing.



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