[Eric] problem

小叶 zhaoturkkey at 163.com
Thu Apr 18 05:43:53 BST 2013

My system is  ubuntu11.10 ,   and I had installed  the   python2.7    qt-everywhere-commercial-src-4.8.4.tar.gz  sip-4.14.6-snapshot-1773f2100851.tar.gz    PyQt-x11-gpl-4.10.tar.gz ..
 My procedure:
4.QScintilla - Qt4Qt5
6.QScintilla - Python
but  while I want to install the """Eric""",the problem occurs in my terminal?
File "install.py", line 735, in doDependancyChecks
    from PyQt4 import Qsci
RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v9.0 to v9.2 but the PyQt4.Qsci module requires API v8.1

Thank you

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