[Eric] Error log dialog

Leonardo Giordani giordani.leonardo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 09:42:45 GMT 2012


I noticed that the Error Log dialog shows a very tiny portion of the
exception when clicking Show details; detailed text has scrollbars, but it
shows just a few lines and it it difficult to understand what's going on.

I tried to find a solution, so poked with checkForErrorLog() in

The only way I found to let the user resize the dialog is to subclass it,
enable resize grip in __init__() and reimplement event() to set the box
resizable, but this make the dialog resizable even when just showing the 4
buttons, which is not good.

There is another option, which is to open a modal dialog when clicking on
Show details: unfortunately here my (minimal) PyQt knowledge cannot help
me, I was not able to come up with some working code.

The last simple solution (but imho not the best one) is to increase the
minimum size of the dialog, so that detailed text becomes a little more

What do you think about it?

Thank you

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