[Eric] Eric: switching between tabs with ctrl+pgUp and ctrl+pgDown

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 21:08:37 BST 2011

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Detlev Offenbach
<detlev at die-offenbachs.de>wrote:

> Am Samstag, 10. September 2011, 19:31:01 schrieb Alan Ezust:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I noticed that on my Linux KDE debian desktop, eric recognizes these
> popular
> > keys for switching between tabs,
> > but if I run eric remotely through X/11 from another host that is running
> > ubuntu karmic, even after upgrading eric to 4.4.17,
> > I still can't switch between tabs using those keys.
> >
> > On the system where it DOES work, I don't even have those keys bound to
> > anything. It seems to be natively recognized by eric.
> That seems to be related to the KDE configuration, that seems to send the
> event to the underlying Qt system, which sends them to eric. By default
> these
> keys are bound to the "Goto first/last line" of the editor.

The host that I am running the eric process on is not particularly "running"
kde at all. KDE is running on the x11 server though.
I ran "systemsettings" on both the server and client looking for those key
bindings so I could clear them but I didn't find them.
Also, this only happens on remote eric and not local eric.

> > But on the system where it does not work, I tried binding them to the
> actual
> > show next tab and show previous tab and it still didn't work.
> > Any ideas what might be wrong?
> Are you sure, that these keys are send correctly by your X11-Server?
> I can run Java applications over the same X11 connection and Ctrl+PgUp and
are recognized by jEdit (for example), so this seems to be Qt or
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