[Eric] How can I use custom slots in Eric4/qtdesigner

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Tue Mar 22 17:41:47 GMT 2011

On Dienstag, 22. März 2011, Jeroen Eitjes wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Eric4 and I have a problem. I have designed a userinterface for
> an app in qtdesigner via eric4.
> I have a button in this design. I am trying to connect the clicked() signal
> of this button to a custom slot. I want to be able to run some python code
> when the button is clicked.
> So I tried the following:
> 1. Place the button on the main form (qtdesigner)
> 2. Right-click on the form and choose the option "Change Signals/slots"
> 3. In the Signal/slots form I click on the + of the Slots to add a custom
> slot
> 4. I name the custom slot "on_pushRetrieveBackupBrowser_clicked()" and
> click OK
> 5. I go to the Signal/Slot editor and connect pushRetrieveBackupBrowse
> clicked() signal to mainWindow.on_pushRetrieveBackupBrowser_clicked()

Do not do steps 2 to 5.

> 6. I Save the file in qtdesigner and go to Eric4
> 7. I choose compile all in Eric4, which works
> 8. I choose "Generate Dialog Code" to get a subclass. 

This generates a class named after your form prepended by Ui_ (e.g. 
Ui_MyDialog). Create a class and derive it from the auto generated class and 
the proper Qt class (e.g. MyDialog(QDialog, Ui_MyDialog)). In the __init__ 
method call as one of the very first steps self.setupUi(self). All slot of the 
form 'on_MyButton_clicked()' (and others) get connected automatically.

All these steps can be done from within eric. From the context menu of the 
project forms viewer select the entry "Generate dialog code ..." and 
enter/select the appropriate data. Some template code for the selected options 
will be generated.

> This gives an error
> message: "QMainWindow object has no attribute
> on_pushRetrieveBackupBrowser_clicked"
> This is my problem.
> What am I doing wrong? How can I have code executed when a button is
> clicked?
> Thanks,
> Jeroen Eitjes.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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