[Eric] QScintilla build MacOS X 10.6

b k mutualaid at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 22:44:24 BST 2010

I'm trying to install eric5 on MacOS X 10.6.4. I've installed Qt 4.6.3 and
PyQt 4.7.3.

Attempting to install QScintilla, I run these commands and get the following

$ cd QScintilla-gpl-2.4.3
$ cd Qt4
$ qmake qscintilla.pro
$ nice make -j2
[completes without error]
$ cd ../Python
$ python3 configure.py
QScintilla 2.4.3 is being used.
PyQt 4.7.3 is being used.
Qt v4.6.3 free edition is being used.
SIP 4.10.2 is being used.
The QScintilla module will be installed in
The QScintilla API file will be installed in
The QScintilla .sip files will be installed in
The QScintilla module is being built with generated docstrings.
Generating the C++ source for the Qsci module...
Creating the Makefile for the Qsci module...
$ nice make -j2
g++ -headerpad_max_install_names -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -arch
i386 -o Qsci.so sipQscicmodule.o sipQsciQList0101QsciCommand.o
sipQsciQList0100QsciStyledText.o sipQsciQsciStyledText.o sipQsciQsciStyle.o
sipQsciQsciPrinter.o sipQsciQsciMacro.o sipQsciQsciLexerYAML.o
sipQsciQsciLexerXML.o sipQsciQsciLexerVHDL.o sipQsciQsciLexerVerilog.o
sipQsciQsciLexerTeX.o sipQsciQsciLexerTCL.o sipQsciQsciLexerSQL.o
sipQsciQsciLexerSpice.o sipQsciQsciLexerRuby.o sipQsciQsciLexerPython.o
sipQsciQsciLexerProperties.o sipQsciQsciLexerPOV.o
sipQsciQsciLexerPostScript.o sipQsciQsciLexerPerl.o sipQsciQsciLexerPascal.o
sipQsciQsciLexerMakefile.o sipQsciQsciLexerLua.o
sipQsciQsciLexerJavaScript.o sipQsciQsciLexerJava.o sipQsciQsciLexerIDL.o
sipQsciQsciLexerHTML.o sipQsciQsciLexerFortran.o sipQsciQsciLexerFortran77.o
sipQsciQsciLexerDiff.o sipQsciQsciLexerD.o sipQsciQsciLexerCustom.o
sipQsciQsciLexerCSS.o sipQsciQsciLexerCSharp.o sipQsciQsciLexerCPP.o
sipQsciQsciLexerCMake.o sipQsciQsciLexerBatch.o sipQsciQsciLexerBash.o
sipQsciQsciLexer.o sipQsciQsciDocument.o sipQsciQsciCommandSet.o
sipQsciQsciCommand.o sipQsciQsciAPIs.o sipQsciQsciAbstractAPIs.o
sipQsciQsciScintilla.o sipQsciQsciScintillaBase.o -F/Library/Frameworks
-L/Library/Frameworks -lqscintilla2 -framework QtCore -framework QtGui
-framework QtCore
ld: warning: in /Library/Frameworks/libqscintilla2.dylib, file was built for
unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)

I've tried to run qmake both with the '-spec macx-g++' flag and without,
doesn't affect the outcome.

Thanks for any help,
Ben K
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