[Eric] using Vim in Eric

Bartek Gorny bartek at gorny.edu.pl
Mon Jun 8 15:52:30 BST 2009

2009/6/8 Darryl Wallace <darryl.wallace at prosensus.ca>:
> Hello,
>> Has an idea of using Vim inside Eric, instead of Scintilla, been
>> discussed? (I skimmed through the archives but haven't found such
>> topic). I like Eric, but I'm addicted to Vim's keyboard shortcuts, so
>> I wonder whether it would be technically possible to switch editors.
> You can edit the keyboard short-cuts.  Then you could even export short-cuts
> those and send them out :)

I know that :) But in Vim most of navigation and editing is done in
"normal mode" and uses sequences of letter keys, e.g. "d2w" deletes
two words to the right - I don't think I can achieve this in


> Darryl

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Eric S.Raymond, "The Magic Cauldron"

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