[Eric] Command-line vcs2eric project generator

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at vrplumber.com
Fri Apr 24 22:36:55 BST 2009

Hi all,

I've been using this little script for years now, I find it
indispensable, but then I'm a crusty old command-line VCS user.  What
the script does is takes a VCS checkout (cvs, svn, git, bzr, hg) and
generates an Eric project file in the directory with each file that's in
the VCS.  The whole of the project-generation stuff is a horrible hack
(e.g. all VCS's show up as either CVS or SVN), but it seems to work
reasonably well for me (with the caveat that I *never* try to use Eric's
VCS system, or indeed anything other than the project browser and code

Why?  Often as I'm working on professional projects there are scripts
and the like that automate the checkout and build process, so I have
extant VCS checkouts rather than wanting to create new checkouts for
Eric.  Similarly, I often pull projects directly and want to be able to
work with them later in Eric.  I *love* Eric as an editor/project
browser, but that's really all I use from it.  I seem to recall
discussing this little script with Detlev at some point and it wasn't
something he was interested in, so I'm not proposing it as something to
include, it's just a little utility sitting on the side that I find
useful and I wanted to make available in case anyone else wanted it.

Usage looks like this:

    vcs2eric somedirectory

which will log out messages about what files its adding, and then either
write the file or ask if you want to replace the current file (if one
exists).  At the moment the only platform it gets run-on/tested-with is
Ubuntu Linux, it used to run on Gentoo Linux, but I haven't tried that
in a while.  It may or may not work, if you need to patch it feel free
to send me a merge-directive (bzr send).

To get it:

    bzr branch lp:vcs2eric

project page is at:


Have fun, and hope this helps someone :) ,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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