'setEolMode' bug?

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Mon Mar 20 14:40:34 GMT 2023

On 10/03/2023 11:56, Matic Kukovec wrote:
> Hi,
> My specs:
>   *   Windows 10 x64
>   *   Python 3.9.13 x64
>   *   PyQt6 6.4.2
>   *   PyQt6-QScintilla 2.13.4
> When using the 'setEolMode' function with an integer value, in my case
> 2 (SC_EOL_LF), the function accepts it but behaves weird, the cursor
> disappears when pressing ENTER at the end of a line, but only once the
> new line is added! If you add any other characters or space and then
> delete back to the start of the line the cursor reappears.
> Example of this call:
>       self.setEolMode(2)
> But, if the integer is wrapped in the EolMode enum, then it works:
>       self.setEolMode(QsciScintilla.EolMode(2))
> I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

For me setEolMode(2) raises a TypeError (as it should).

Please send a short, complete script that demonstrates the problem.


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