[QScintilla] Overriding Escape Keypress

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Nov 8 08:52:00 GMT 2007

On Thursday 08 November 2007, Nicholas Sloan wrote:
> First of all, I'm new here. I'm just getting started with QScintilla,
> taking my first steps with Qt, and I am no pro at C++, but I'll try to
> save my stupid questions for #c++ on freenode, instead of sending them
> to this list.
> I want to change the binding of an escape key press. After tracing my
> way back through several files, I've discovered that escape key presses
> are associated with the SCI_CANCEL message, but the case for this value
> in the switch statement in WndProc() in Editor.cpp doesn't hold any
> statements...
> Basically, I'm just trying to figure out if I will be breaking any
> functionality by reimplementing the escape key for my own needs.

Should be Ok - but try it and see.


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