[PyQt] PyQt 5.7.1: TypeError: C++ type 'QList<QSslError>' is not supported as a pyQtSlot type argument type

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Fri Jan 6 06:16:21 GMT 2017


I had a bug report[1] from someone using Gentoo, who got the following
error after updating to PyQt 5.7.1 and sip 4.19:

	  File "...", line 214, in NetworkManager
		@pyqtSlot('QNetworkReply*', 'QList<QSslError>')
	TypeError: C++ type 'QList<QSslError>' is not supported as a pyqtSlot type argument type

They can reproduce it with the following minimal example:

    from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot
    from PyQt5 import QtNetwork
    class Foo(QObject):
        @pyqtSlot('QNetworkReply*', 'QList<QSslError>')
        def foo(self, a, b):

I can't, with the same versions on Archlinux.

In general, SSL seems to work for them:

    >>> from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QSslSocket
    >>> print(QSslSocket.sslLibraryVersionString())
    LibreSSL 2.5.0

PyQt build log: http://paste.the-compiler.org/index.php/view/1488f76a
Qt configure summary: https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/2213#issuecomment-270738332

Any idea what could be going wrong there?


[1] https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/2213#issuecomment-270837039

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