[PyQt] converting SWIG objects to SIP objects

Blaine Bell blaine.bell at schrodinger.com
Wed Sep 1 16:00:30 BST 2010

I was able to write a SIP function that takes a SWIG object, converts it 
to a SIP object, as well as a function that converts a SIP object back 
to a SWIG object:

The object I have implemented in SIP and SWIG is called "ChmMol":

ChmMol *convertChmMoltoSIP(SIP_PYOBJECT);
    if (!SWIGTYPE_p_ChmMol){
    if ((SWIG_ConvertPtr(a0,(void **) &sipRes, SWIGTYPE_p_ChmMol, 0 )) 
== -1) return NULL;
SIP_PYOBJECT convertChmMoltoSWIG(ChmMol *);
    if (!SWIGTYPE_p_ChmMol){
    sipRes = SWIG_NewPointerObj(a0, SWIGTYPE_p_ChmMol, 0);

In order to do this, I needed to include the c++ file that was generated 
by swig executable running on the SWIG .i file.  Including that c++ file 
(in the "%ModuleCode") instantiates an entirely new SWIG dictionary 
inside my SIP DLL that needs to be initialized (hence, the SWIG_init() 

My question to the SIP experts: is there a way to allow SIP to allow 
SWIG or SIP objects as arguments that have a specific type?  Is there a 
Directive or Annotation that allows me to write a conversion, so I can 
override the conversion from the Python object to C++ object for each type?

Thanks in advance,


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