[PyQt] QVariant bug(?)

Arve Knudsen arve.knudsen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 10:29:00 BST 2008

I have created a simple test case which triggers a likely bug in PyQt.
As the case demonstrates, I have a class template "PropertyValue"
which I wrap and use with QVariant. When I run the test program
("tst.py") however, there is a segfault in the PropertyValue copy
constructor. The reason as far as I've been able to tell is that PyQt
doesn't register its own metatype for "StringValue"
(PropertyValue<QString>), since this is already constructed for the
C++ type (see qobject.sip, line 1479), with chaotic results (the C++
copy constructor receives a raw PyObject for the right-hand-side

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