[PyQt] Using PyQt within an application

David Boddie david at boddie.org.uk
Sun Aug 17 19:30:43 BST 2008

On Sun Aug 17 19:05:32 BST 2008, andYpsilon wrote:

> Using only app.exec_() solves the problem that it closes down the
> application. Sorry for that...what a newbie mistake ;-) Thanx alot for your
> help!!

No problem. :-)

> But do you know a way to use the Dialog interactively with the application?
> As I already mentioned the application crashes when using it while the main
> event loop of the dialog is running. I'm not sure if this is a bug of the
> application or something which can be fixed in the Dialog code.?

OK, in your original message, you wrote:

> The problem is, as soon as I am in the main event loop, Nuke crashes when
> doing something outside of the dialog. This would be somehow OK, if the
> quit() or the exit() function wouldn't quit the whole application instead
> of only closing the dialog window.

This makes me wonder whether Nuke is written with Qt, or if there's some
underlying conflict between Qt and Nuke. Do you get any error messages in
the console? Have you tried creating a QDialog without first creating a
QApplication instance?


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