Debugging from python into a C++ library in eric

Guðjón Guðjónsson gudjon.i.gudjonsson at
Fri Jan 6 12:11:34 GMT 2023

Hi list

I am working on my PyQt-Qwt library and I do have problem with a C++
function that has many type variations and I don't know which one the
Python program is calling.

File "", line 75, in setSamples
   self.d_curve.setSamples( samples )
TypeError: index 0 has type 'QPointF' but 'int' is expected

It worked for Qwt 6.1.6 and I don't see any difference up to Qwt 6.2.0
which is the current version.

The only way to solve this is to debug the python program into the
library but I don't know how to do it. The
"Trace into interpreter libraries" doesn't help.

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