[Eric] last version 18.01

serge gauthier.sg at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 08:59:59 GMT 2018


I am very satisfied to use Eric for many years and I installed the last 
version yesterday.

Under Windows 10, it is ok, only the french translation is not ok ? I 
don't know why.

Under Linux Mageia 6 x64, it is more complicated. I had to update PyQt5 
and QScintilla. The installation was ok, completed without error.

I give you the error message when I launch Eric6:

Warning: translation file 'qt_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Thanks to help to solve that because I can't run it anymore !

Happy new year !


Serge Gauthier

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