[Eric] 79 characters per line

Markus Feldmann feldmann_markus at gmx.de
Sat May 14 08:15:52 BST 2011

Hi All,

i am confused how to set up the Eric4 Editor(German language) especially 
the maximum characters per line. In the settings:
I setup the linewidth to 80 and the mode to "Draw Line", but it draws a 
vertical line after the 40th character???
When i change the mode to "Change background color", then it starts to 
change the background color of my lines after an irregular number of 

Further on seems the vertical line too break when i resize my editor 
window(only when i make it smaller).

Is this a bug or did i something wrong? I need a highlight for maximum 
line width of 79 characters.

regards Markus

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