[Eric] howto use icons in pyqt/qtdesigner

Jeroen Eitjes jeroen.eitjes at gmail.com
Sat May 7 16:15:38 BST 2011

I Have a pyqt/eric4 project saved in a directory on my harddrive.

What is the best way to add icons to buttons, etc.?

My program will be run from other directories than the source dir

When i just select the file of the icon on the button, (path) than the icons
are only shown when i start the program in the sourcedir the icons are
otherwise not shown.

Resources with icons from qtdesigner give import errors

I have one workaround. That is to chdir to os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
before loading the main form.

So what is the right way to do this??

Cheers Jeroen.
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