[Eric] Perforce

Eric Walker sli1que at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 20 23:05:56 BST 2010

Thanks for the tip. Now I have a few more questions. Should I start this project somewhere on the web or do it all locally on my disk. Like a sourcforge thing?  Also, have you had any luck getting the text size to change and save. Its too small and when I change it, log out and back it goes back to the small font size.

Eric :)
PS> Very Funny. lolol....

From: Stjujsckij Nickolaj <sterkrig at home.no>
To: Eric maillist <eric at riverbankcomputing.com>
Sent: Sun, June 20, 2010 12:58:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Eric] Perforce

There's no Perforce plugin as far as I'm aware. If you want to try writing one yourself, there's Subversion module bundled with Eric4, CVS (oh dear me) module in standard plugin repository and Mercurial one included in Eric5. As far as I know, it's like "source code id the best documentation" right now.

P.S. I'm not surprise you like Eric, Eric (-;E

> Hello all,
> I am trying out Eric4 and my group likes eclipse. I think its too slow and bulky considering I am only doing some programs in Python.
> Is there a perforce plugin for use with Eric4. If no, and I have to try and write one my self, I am willing to try. Please point me in the correct direction.
> Thanks
> Eric

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