[Eric] Generate Dialog Code Error

Ole Johan Væringstad olejohan.ludde at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 21:41:59 GMT 2010

Hi all

When I try to Generate Dialog Code for a form (compiling works fine) I 
get the following error:

There was an error loading the form
'QLineEdit' object has no attribute 'setInputMethodHints'

I did generate dialog successfully several times before this started .. 
so I went through the form and set all input method hints back to none 
.. I thought maybe this was some new Qt feature that didn't have python 
bindings yet .. but it still happens. When the form compiles to .py I 
get these lines: lineEdit_X.setInputMethodHints(QtCore.Qt.ImhNone) which 
creates the problems .. so I can get eric4 to compile the form without 
including the setInputMethodHints method (how?) .. or ?

Any idea how to fix this?

Ole Johan

System info:
eric4 - 4.3.9 (r3513)
Qt 4.6.0
Mac OS X 10.5.8

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