[Eric] Re: Eric Digest, Vol 33, Issue 10

Jaime Seuma jaims.seuma at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 09:30:12 GMT 2009

Hi Detlev

Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 12. März 2009, Jaime Seuma wrote:
>>>    2. has anyone successfully run eric using the PyQt4-4.5
>>>       snapshots? (Darren Dale)
>> Using pyqt_version_str':  '4.4.2' here, and it works alright.
>> One concern, though: I have installed Qt 4.5.0, and seems that eric4
>> can't run; it complains about QScintilla.
>> I downloaded and compiled against Qt 4.5.0 the latest QScintilla
>> version, but eric4 doesn't work (it complains about not finding the
>> entry point for the _ZN13QsciScintilla10........FoldStyleE in the dll
>> qscintilla2.dll).
> Did you copy the QScintilla DLL to the path containing the Python executables? 
> eric4 probably picked the old DLL (the one compiled against Qt 4.4.

Nope; there is only 2 qscintilla.dll files in my system, the old one
(C:\Qt\4.4.0\bin) and the new one(C:\Qt\2009.01).
I've spent some time making sure of this; searching qscint*.dll files
through the filesystem, and by opening a shell console, modifying the

c:\>set path=c:\windows
c:\python25\Libs\site-packages\eric4\eric4-tray.py => ERROR

c:\>set path=c:\windows;C:\Qt\4.4.0\bin
c:\python25\Libs\site-packages\eric4\eric4-tray.py => OK (unless I
delete the qscintilla.dll in C:\Qt\4.4.0\bin, in which case eric won't

c:\>set path=c:\windows;C:\Qt\2009.01
c:\python25\Libs\site-packages\eric4\eric4-tray.py => ERROR with dll
entry point.

I think that maybe I should upgrade to PyQt4.5 in order to be able to
run Qt4.5?

I'll give a try to this when I have some spare time to download/compile it

Thanks for your help


>> Luckily, I kept my previous Qt install (4.4.0), and if I lanch eric4
>> from a .bat file, resetting path to Qt 4.4.0, it happily runs.
>> All of this in WinXP, Python25.
>> Cheers
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