[Eric] slow problem saving file 4.2.0

Ali Gholami Rudi aligrudi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 20:19:08 BST 2008

On Aug 12 2008 13:37 +0430, Linos wrote:
> The file have 1600 lines, i have found the file config.py in my

So probably most of it is the parsing time; if so, it is very hard to
enhance since rope uses python's _ast module internally which is
implemented in C.

> project .ropeproject subfolder, it still have to true the parameters
> you have point me to disable but it seems be using a different name to
> the same property:
> in my .ropeproject subfolder.
> # If `True`, rope analyzes each module when it is being saved.
> prefs['automatic_soi'] = False
> in default_config.py in plugin subdirectory.
> # If `True`, rope analyzes each module when it is being saved.
> prefs['automatic_soa'] = False
> anyway i have set:
> prefs['automatic_soi'] = False
> prefs['validate_objectdb'] = False

Actually automatic_soi was renamed to automatic_soa but both of them
work (since you have created your project before this renaming was
done it still uses the old name).

> in project .ropeproject subfoder and it works great with rope activated now :), Thanks Ali.

Happy to hear that.


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