[Eric] Slow eric4

Łukasz Szweda qkiss1 at tlen.pl
Sat Aug 9 16:30:49 BST 2008

Detlev Offenbach pisze:
> On Freitag, 8. August 2008, Lukasz Szweda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a similar problem. From one of the 4.1.x versions I noticed a
>> considerable decrease in performance of Eric4. Process Explorer shows
>> 100% CPU usage by the pythonw.exe process. It lasts usually few seconds
>> during which Eric is unresponsive and it can happen couple of times in
>> one minute.
>> I downloaded the latest snapshot (eric4-4.2-snapshot-20080802) and the
>> same thing happens. I have disabled all autocompletions, calltips,
>> wordwrap (someone wrote that it helped him) and some other features that
>> I thought could cause this slowness, but no luck. I have a feeling that
>> Eric tries to parse the project files and the included libraries, even
>> when I have all parsing-requiring features disabled.
> Not really. The project browser windows (e.g. source files view) is updated 
> upon saving of a file belonging to the project. The parsing time depends on 
> the size of the file and not the project.
>> Simple test is to add a space and save a project. For one of small
>> projects it lasts 1-2 seconds, but I also have a not-so-big one that
>> takes 5-10 seconds to save a file. The latter uses Elixir, wxPython,
>> ObjectListView and a few standard Python libraries.
>> Is there a way to check what Eric is doing at a particular moment? If
>> not then I can just zip my whole Python installation and put it, for
>> example on RapidShare so you could do the debugging. I like your IDE
>> very much but I am getting quite frustrated with this... It would be
>> nice if this bug could be fixed. I will try to provide any help I can...
> What is the size of your main memory. Maybe your computer starts to swap.


I have 1 GB of memory under WinXP and about 300-400 free after reboot.
However I checked it again after a reebot with no extra applications 
running. It might be a problem with memory swapping. I had like 50 megs 
of free memory when I observed mentioned issues, most of which was eaten 
by Firefox. Now the save time was also reduced to 1-2 seconds.
I will observe how it behaves when free memory drops low and let you know.


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