[Eric] What am I doing wrong in 4.0.1 (speed issues)?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at vrplumber.com
Mon Aug 6 22:04:04 BST 2007

Hi all,

I've been using Eric3 for quite a long while now (very happy with it).  
Upgraded my machines to Eric4 (4.0.1) last week (Eric3's dependencies 
don't build for me any more) and I'm seeing extremely slow operations 
throughout the interface.  That is, expanding a tree branch in the 
project browser takes 5-6s, loading a medium-sized project takes 35s+.  
Scrolling through a file is much slower.  Typing is noticeably slower.  
Same project took maybe 3-4 seconds on Eric3.  Tree expansion is almost 
instantaneous there.

I've disabled most of the typing-enhancement features, so they are not 
likely the source of the problem.  I'm running on a ridiculously 
powerful machine (dual core AMD 4800+, though Eric only seems to use the 
one core) on Gentoo Linux on a KDE 3.5 desktop using stock KDE (i.e. no 
Beryl).  There's 4GB of RAM and nothing else of note running on the 
box.  I'm seeing the same slowdown (but more painfully) on an older P4 
laptop using i386 (instead of amd64), so it's not likely a 64-bit issue.

So, my question is basically; is there some known issue where I can flip 
some switch and get back to Eric3/Qt3 performance levels?  If not, is 
there a reasonable way to profile Eric in order to find out what's 
taking all the time?

(KDE 3.5.5)

Thanks all,

(BTW, tried to report this last week, but I was using a different email 
address from the subscribed one.  Hopefully I've resolved that now.)

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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